

Individual Tax

One thing you must do every April is to file your income tax return. Preparing your own income tax return is a challenging task especially when you would like to maximize your refund and minimize your tax liability. Our individual tax service focuses on the tax planning strategies for high income and net-worth individuals with complicated tax structures.

  • Business Owner: business owners can dedicate their entire time to run their business, so they are too busy to prioritize tax planning for themselves. With the complication of tax law, owners and other business executives should hire experienced CPAs to provide the quality standard of services.
  • Investor: paying capital gain tax is no fun, especially with short term capital gain. We offer a streamline of investment consultation to reduce tax and maximize the value of assets. We also offer the tax planning services for foreign investors or EB5 investors who have the cross-country business and assets.
  • Individuals with multiple State jobs: each state has its own tax code. When working and living in a different state, the multiple state tax law is applicable. Fortune CPA’s individual tax planning will provide the most advantageous tax solution, so you can have more time for other valuable activities. 
Business Tax

Our advisors have provided business tax planning to both small and large companies. Fortune CPA is established by experienced tax experts who have comprehensive understanding of federal and state tax regulations. We offer our clients effective services in compliance with the IRS laws and regulations and reduce the tax burden for those companies.

International Tax

US tax law requires taxpayers reporting international income and corporations. The reportable transactions must be filed to comply with the laws. We have been serving numerous EB5 investors on international tax planning. The taxpayers are required to report all foreign incomes and bank accounts over the reportable threshold during the tax year.

IRS/ State Tax Problems

Receiving a letter from the IRS or State is sometimes misery. Fortune CPA offers the IRS/ State representative service to defend our clients with tax problems.